• partition image to segments
  • group pixels with similar visual characteristics
    • the specificity or scale is dependent on the domain
  • segmentation in humans
    • likely to be different
    • subjective
    • ill-defined problem
  • For gray images



  • Top-down
    • pixels belong together because they come from the same object
    • in line with Gestalt Psychology
  • Bottom-up
    • pixels belong together because they look similar
    • Most techniques are bottom-up

Clustering based

  • Cluster pixels based on its visual characteristics
  • Each pixel can be seen as a feature vector of
    • brightness
    • colour (R,G,B channels)
    • position
    • depth
    • motion
    • texture
    • material
  • Map the pixels into a feature space
  • Pixel Similarity
    • Dissimilarity or distance between features → L2 Norm
  • Using pixel similarity/dissimilarity, cluster the features such that similar pixels cluster together
  • each cluster is an image segment
  • disjoint regions could belong to the same cluster
    • using position as a feature could discourage this
  • Algorithms
    • K-means Clustering based segmentation
    • Model-Free : Mean shift Clustering based segmentation
    • Probabilistic : Gaussian Mixture Models based segmentation
      • foreground-background classification
        • pixels are background most of the time. So gaussians with large scale ω and small σ are background.
        • take the ratio of ω/σ

Graph based

  • images as graphs → G = (V,E)
    • a vertex for each pixel, and its features, like in clustering
    • an edge → weighted by the affinity or similarity between vertices
  • Algorithms