embed semantic meanings of words using vectors - vector representations of words


  • compute semantic similarity between text
  • document retrieval
  • apply machine learning on text - clustering, classification, prediction, etc

Why can’t we just one-hot encode the vocabulary to create word embeddings? Because words are related to each other, and all of the above tasks benefit from modelling the similarity of words.

Count-based approaches

  1. Term-Term matrices
  2. Term-Document matrices

Weighing Schemes

Not all contextual words are equally important. Commonly, infrequent words are more important than frequent ones, correlated words are more important than uncorrelated words, and so on

  1. TF-IDF for Term-Document matrices
  2. Distance Discount for Term-Term matrices


Many word pairs should have > 0 counts, but their corresponding matrix entries are 0s because of data sparsity (unseen events)

Laplace Smoothing: Adding 1 to every count (pseudocount)

Prediction based approaches

  • Typically use a Neural Network model

  • compute the probability Pr(w|u1 , u2 , … ) of the event that a target word w appears in a context (u1 , u2 , .. ).

  • dense vectors (25-1000 dim)

  • distributed representations of words

  • easily incorporate a new sentence/ document or add a word to the vocabulary.

  1. Language Modelling (Bengio et al., 2003)
    • predict a next word from m-1 previous words
    • Each contextual word wj is represented a column of matrix C
    • 1 hidden layer
  2. Word2Vec


  • dense vectors, robust performance


  • Word embeddings are learned from data → they also capture biases implicitly appearing in the data
    • ethnic and gender biases
  • Dealing with unknown words
    • use a special UNK token
    • use characters/ sub-words instead of words
  • semantic ambiguity - based on context and knowledge
  • dimensions are not easy to interpret
  • polysemy: All occurrences of a word (and all its senses) are represented by one vector
    • use different vectors for different senses
  • Antonyms appear in similar contexts, hard to distinguish them from synonyms
  • get context for long sequences of words
    • average or add vectors → but this is not scalable


  • Intrinsic:
    • similarity: order word pairs according to their semantic similarity
    • in-context similarity: substitute a word in a sentence without changing its meaning.
    • analogy: Athens is to Greece what Rome is to …?
  • Extrinsic: use them to improve performance in a task, i.e. instead of bag of words → bag of word vectors