see probability

Bayes’ theorem is expressed as:

  • P(X∣θ) is the likelihood, the probability of the data X given the parameters θ.
    • probability distribution of the observed evidence given a parameter value
  • P(θ) is the prior distribution, our initial beliefs about the parameters.
    • a.k.a. prior belief,
    • probability distribution of the parameters before evidence is taken into account
  • P(X) is the marginal likelihood or evidence, which is the probability of the data under all possible parameter values
    • normalization term
    • P(X)=∫P(X∣θ)P(θ)dθ
    • probability distribution of observed evidence independent of parameters
  • P(θ∣X) is the posterior distribution, the probability of the parameters θ given the data X.
    • provides a complete description of our updated beliefs about the parameters after observing the data