• More than just Object Detection
  • estimate the object position, but also incorporate the position predicted by dynamics
    • expectation of the object’s motion pattern


  • loss of 3D in 2D projection
  • unusual poses
  • occlusion , self occlusion

Simplifying the problem

  • distinct a-priori colours (skin colour)
  • multiple cameras
  • prior knowledge - number of objects, object types, background

Tracking with Dynamics


  • continuous motion patterns
    • camera, gradual change/smooth trajectory

Dynamic Inference Model

  • x → estimated positions, y→ measured positions/ observations
  • P(Xt | Xt-1) and P(Yt | Xt) are assumed to be some known distributions
  • Goal: Estimate P(Xt | Y1 … Yt)
  • at any point t we have P(Xt-1 | Y1 … Yt-1)
    • can be used instead to reduce computation cost


Tracking by detection

  • fixed camera scenarios
  • limited background motion scenarios

Using Gaussian Mixture Models

see Gaussian Mixture Models

  • For each pixel
    • compute pixel color histogram H using first N frames
    • Normalize histogram H = H / ||H||
    • Model H as a mixture of 3-5 gaussians
    • for each subsequent frame
      • pixel value X belongs to gaussian k for which
        • ||X - μk|| is min and
        • ||X - μk|| < 2.5σk
      • pixels are background most of the time. So gaussians with large evidence/scale ω and small σ are background. if ω/σ is large classify as background else foreground

tip for optimizing: instead of fitting gaussians in every frame, check if the new image intensity histogram and the old one differs by a lot, if yes then fit gaussians else skip