the degree of agreement among independent observers who rate, code, or assess the same phenomenon.

Cohen’s Kappa

 takes into account the possibility of the agreement occurring by chance

  • P(a) = observed agreement, proportion of times judges agreed
  • P(e) = expected agreement, proportion of times judges expected to agree by chance


For 2 annotators and a binary classification problem,

  • P(a) = P(A1=yes, A2=yes) + P(A1=no, A2=no)
  • P(e) = P(A1=yes) * P(A2=yes) + P(A1=no) * P(A2=no)


unacceptable < 0.6 < substantial/tentative conclusions < 0.8 < definite conclusions

Scott’s Pi

improve on simple observed agreement by factoring in the extent of agreement that might be expected by chance

Fleiss’ kappa

Scott’s pi extended to more than two annotators