Method to find a camera’s internal and external parameters

Linear Camera Model - Forward Imaging Model

  • mapping from 3D → 2D
  • world coordinate frame (3D) → coordinate transformation to camera coordinate frame (3D) → perspective projection to image coordinates in the image frame (2D)
  • World-to-camera transformation
    • camera extrinsic parameters =
      • rotation matrix
      • translation vector
    • combine to form an extrinsic matrix
  • Perspective Projection Equations
    • from camera coordinate to image plane
    • where u,v are the positions in the image, xc ,yc, zc are positions in camera coordinate frame
    • camera intrinsic parameters =
      • f is the effective focal length
      • o is the principal point
    • the equations are transformed into linear equations using homogenous coordinates resulting in an intrinsic matrix
  • Projection matrix
    • can combine extrinsic and intrinsic matrix into a single projection matrix
    • using some image of a known real-world size of an object, it is possible to calculate this projection matrix
    • the projection matrix can also be decomposed back into the extrinsic and intrinsic matrix