used in data visualization, data compression and Feature Extraction


  • Find a linear orthonormal projection to maximize data Variance in the new vector space (linear transformation)
  • find a new basis of maximum variance; basis named principal components (PCs) and their importance decided by variance
  • A new low-dimensional representation achieved by projecting data points onto few (< original ) PCs


PCA math

PCA math

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mean vector, Variance, Correlation & Covariance, SVD

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8b6394ddcd3a6aa1eb089c7d2db4b77cf484481f: mean vector 9ed74a76804101ebc57a442a8d6e343fbd06cb51: Variance af80ce2d21812822dcd6ce79ccb3ccf2b19730f9: Kronecker Delta

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As any real-valued covariance matrix (leading to PCA) is semi-definite positive and symmetric, its eigenvectors (PCs) are always orthogonal each other.

PCA can only provides only up to d′ PCs (d′ ≤ d) where d′ is the rank of a covariance matrix used for PCA.

Dual PCA

Dual PCA

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Gram matrix

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c5995f9d728872603a09961eafa72e56a76e0eda: SVD

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Proportion of Variance

Proportion of Variance

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  • can be used to find optimum intrinsic dimensionality
  • also works for the dual PCA although there are only up to N non-zero eigenvalues and at least d − N zero values.


  • non-orthogonality
    • Data distribution may not satisfy the PCA assumption: orthogonal dimensions,
    • Independent Component Analysis: captures the maximum variance in non-orthogonal dimensions
  • inconsistency to discrimination
    • in classification, axis of maximum variance in PCA may be inconsistent with that of the largest discrimination
    • Linear Discriminative Analysis (LDA) : Finds out the axis of the largest discrimination by considering the label information
  • non-linearity
    • non linear manifolds

PCA Extensions