a.k.a Natural Language Processing


  • natural languages evolve - new words, new meanings, etc
  • syntactic rules are flexible
  • ambiguity is inherent
  • world knowledge is often necessary for interpretation
  • different languages, dialects and styles

Types of ambiguity in interpretations

  • Phonological
    • how words sound
    • e.g. I will be writing/riding this weekend
  • Lexical
    • multiple senses of words
    • e.g. I am going to the bank (financial entity/river)
  • Syntactic
    • positions of words
    • words can be noun or verb
      • e.g. I saw her duck (animal/crouching)
    • to what the prepositional phrase is attached
      • e.g. I saw the man on the hill with the telescope (Who has the telescope? the man or me? )
  • Semantic
    • interpretation requires knowledge of the world
    • e.g. The children ate the cookies because they were very hungry (were the cookies hungry or the children?)


  • Symbolic
    • Rules and dictionary based
    • capture linguistic knowledge written by experts
    • results can be interpreted easily
    • manual effort to make rules
  • Statistical/Machine Learning Based
    • data driven, learn or discover patterns
    • supervised/unsupervised ML
    • generalizable, easy domain adaptation (might still need to retrain)
    • manual effort to retrain and label data
    • interpretation - Explainable AI
  • Hybrid
    • best (or worst?) of both worlds

NLP Pipeline

pipeline of components - which tackle some problem - can use any of (symbolic/statistical) approaches.

Sample pipeline-





see Evaluation of Software Systems

  • Most NLP tasks are some classification problem. We use the Gold Standard Data to evaluate.
  • Gold Standard Data may be annotated differently by different annotators. We use Inter Annotator Agreement (IAA) methods to determine the quality of the data.
  • We use the same performance evaluation techniques used in in supervised classification ML problems

see Metrics for Classification

Testability in Diagnostic evaluation

For an NLP-based system, design and coverage of diagnostic test suites is hard because the range of phenomena (sentence structures) the system is expected to tackle is hard to anticipate. Test suites using Gold Standard Data may emphasise idealised linguistic aspect and such tests may be of reduced use in the face of ungrammatical (real) text.