
  • select k clusters
  • initialize a random k points as cluster means
    • randomize, or
    • k uniformly distributed within the range of distribution, or
    • perform k-means on a subset of data and use the result as the initial means
  • assign each point to the nearest mean
  • recompute the mean of each cluster
  • repeat till convergence
    • when the means stop moving, or
    • change in means < some threshold

How to pick K?

  1. Elbow method: Plot the cost (sum of squared distances from each point to its cluster centroid) for different values of k. The optimal k is the “elbow” point where the cost starts decreasing linearly
  2. Silhouette Analysis: measures how well it fits into its assigned cluster compared to other clusters
  3. Calinski-Harabasz Index:  ratio of the between-cluster dispersion and the within-cluster dispersion. Scales better, as each pair distance is not needed.
  4. Davies-Bouldin Index: measures the average similarity between each cluster and its most similar one. Scales better, as each pair distance is not needed.
  5. Dunn Index:  calculates the ratio of the smallest inter-cluster distance to the largest intra-cluster distance


  • need to pick k
  • sensitive to initialization
  • sensitive to outliers
