Find words - knowing when to split → results in tokens.
lemma is the base form of the token
- Punctuation marks and special symbols
- where does punctuation go?
- Morphosyntactic words
- contractions
- e.g. doesn’t
- simple expanding may not work
- doesn’t → does not
- Carla’s home → home of Carla OR Carla is home
- compound words
- e.g. rock-and-roll
- contractions
- numbers
- measurements e.g. 5 miles
- utf-8 characters
- emojis
- errors
- if source is from OCR, errors from OCR might propagate
- other languages
- transliterations - (e.g. Hindi written in English alphabets)
- non whitespace delimited (e.g. Chinese/Japanese)
- right to left (e.g. Arabic)
- Formats/conventions of stuff may be different
- telephone numbers, dates, decimals, monetary values, coordinates, etc.
- domain dependence
- named Entities?
- Named Entity Recognition combines tokens
- e.g. San Francisco
spaCy’s tokenization