• An edge is a place of rapid change in the image intensity function (or grey-level function), which manifests as boundaries between physically distinct regions.
    • i.e. a peak in the derivative of the image function

Convolution based Edge Detection>

see Convolution

  • Edge detection is same as differentiation a.k.a. derivative filter
  • -
  • gradient direction is perpendicular to the edge

Derivative of Gaussian convolution kernel

see Gaussian Distribution

  • For noisy images -
    • scale selection is important
      • edges may be noise
      • Location of edges at coarse scale can direct the search for finer-scale edges
      • edges can persist across scales, allows fusion across scales
    • Perform Image smoothing before derivative filter to reduce effect of noise
  • Derivative of Gaussian filter in 2 dimensions, along x
  • derivatives can be along x and y directions (2 filters) → requires atleast 2 convolutions
  • allows selection of scale of edge detection
    • through σ


Prewitt Kernel

  • vertical edges, detecting edges across x direction, smooths along y direction
    • -1 0 1
    • -1 0 1
    • -1 0 1
  • horizontal edges, detecting edges across y direction, smooths along x direction
    • -1 -1 -1
    • 0 0 0
    • 1 1 1

Sobel Kernel

  • vertical edges, detecting edges in x direction, weighted smoothing along y direction
    • -1 0 1
    • -2 0 2
    • -1 0 1
  • horizontal edges, detecting edges in y direction, weighted smoothing along x direction
    • -1 -2 -1
    • 0 0 0
    • 1 2 1
  • 2 filters: Derivative images I’x and I’ y

Laplacian of Gaussian Edge Detector

a.k.a. Marr–Hildreth Edge Detector a.k.a. Mexican hat wavelet

  • second derivative of gaussian kernel
  • 2nd Derivative of Gaussian filter in 2 dimensions
  • detect zero crossings → where the 2nd derivative crosses zero → indicates an edge
  • convolution kernel has a negative center and a positive surrounding
  • again, scale selection is done through σ
  • isotropic response
    • one filter (all directions)
      • no edge direction
    • indirect edge magnitude
  • kernel examples
 2  -1  2 
-1  -4 -1  
 2  -1  2

1   1   1
1  -8   1
1   1   1

Canny Edge Detector

  • best attributes of both the gradient operator and the Laplacian operator
  • Multi stage algorithm
    1. Gaussian Smoothing to select scale and smoothen
    2. edge detection
      • convolve image intensity function with derivative of Gaussian (Sobel operator)
      • Edge magnitude and direction detected
    3. Compute Laplacian of Gaussian along the Gradient Direction at each pixel
      • zero crossings → edge location
      • less effected by pixels that are unrelated to the edge
    4. thinning: suppress non maxima of derivative
      • non maxima derivatives across an edge
      • sub pixel precision: detect precise edge locations
    5. Track using hysteresis thresholds
      • Finalize the detection of edges by suppressing all the other edges that are weak and not connected to strong edges.
      • declare each pixel as being an edge or not
      • single threshold: if the edge magnitude is less than some value T it is not an edge

Difference of Gaussians Edge Detector

  • a fast approximation of the Laplacian of Gaussians
  • subtraction of one Gaussian-Blurred (Gaussian Smoothing) version of an image from another, less blurred image
  • for scales of gaussians sσ and σ →
  • DoG = (s-1) NLoG

Edge illusions

Cannot be detected using edge detectors

Herring Illusion

horizontal lines are actually parallel

Cafe Wall Illusion

horizontal lines are actually parallel