
  • small scale stochastic (random) fluctuations
  • in computer vision, noise is assumed to be normally distributed with a mean of 0 and some standard deviation σ


  • size of structures of interest
  • small scale structures may be noise
  • when we have small scale structures in an image (or a series of still images), it might be noise or actual structures. if it is noise, it will vary across images.

Signal to Noise Ratio

  • SNR = maxsignal/ σ noise
  • higher means (more signal per noise) so better images

Noise Reduction

Temporal Averaging

  • If we have multiple still images
  • averaging the images reduces the noise
  • if we average N images with noise of standard deviation σ, the noise reduces by a factor of sqrt(N)
  • σ noise = σ / sqrt(N)

Spatial Averaging

  • a.k.a. Local Averaging
  • The idea is that the neighbourhood of a pixel is similar to the pixel
  • replace centre pixel value by average of the neighbourhood pixel value including the centre pixel
  • The higher the neighbourhood, more the noise goes down BUT the picture becomes more blurry/loss of sharpness/loss of spatial information/ loss of small scale structures
    • this happens because the principle spatial similarity does not hold true for edges
  • a type of Convolution