• parametric Bayesian filter
  • algorithm for estimating the values of measured variables over time, given continuous measurements of those variables and the amount of uncertainty in those measurements
  • estimate using past (possibly noisy) observations and present (and possibly noisy) observations



1. Predict Step

predict the current state given the previous state and the time that has passed since

  • state
    • prediction variable gaussian distribution
      • mean vector (of the prediction variable) and
      • covariance of prediction variables (uncertainity or noise in prediction variables)
    • e.g. mean and covariance of position and velocity of an object
  • state-transition matrix (F): relates the previous state to the current one
  • prediction equations
    • ÎĽp = F ÎĽt
      • ÎĽp = predicted mean vector
      • ÎĽt = mean vector at t
    • predicted covariance matrix
      • Q: process noise
        • encapsulates uncertainty created by the time that has passed since we last updated the state,

2. Update Step

  • combine the predicted state with an incoming measurement
  • input two possible states and outputs a new state
  •  Bayesian inference
    • x = actual position
    • m = measured position
    • prior: predicted state
    • prior and likelihood are assumed to be Gaussian Distributions
    • Normalization i.e measurement probability distribution → empirically calculated
  • Posterior probability (updated state) calculated is also a Gaussian Distribution
  •  H → linear transformation that takes us from the state space to the measured space
  •  Kalman gain
    • factor by which we incorporate the new sensor information into the updated state
    • Errorestimate / (Errorestimate + Errormeasured )
    • ( 0, 1)
      • 0 → estimate error =0 → estimate is perfect
      • 1 → measure error =0 → measure is perfect, estimate is imperfect

1-D case


  • object tracking in 1-dimension
  • assume constant velocity in 1-dimension
  • let state = x, v → position, velocity
  • initially there is no covariance between the velocity and position.
  • Predict step equations
    • mean vector prediction
    • F picked based on constant velocity assumption
    • Solving for covariance
    • introduces off-diagonal elements in the covariance matrix
  • Update Step equations


  • updates are simple and efficient


  • unimodal distribution
  • class of motions restricted by linear model