Performance Metrics
Will require Gold Standard Data in the case of Supervised ML
Metrics for Classification
Confusion matrix
TP, TN, FP, FN summary
precision & recall
precision = TP/ (TP + FP)
recall = TP/ (TP + FN)
precision : fraction of annotated items that are correct
recall : fraction of correct items that are annotated
a.k.a. F-measure
Suitable if one class is more important than the other
Fβ = (β2 + 1)PR/β2P+R
where P = precision, R = recall
F-score is a conservative average (Weighted harmonic mean) of precision and recall.
set β = 1 in F-Score
β is almost always set to 1, so F1 score and F-score are used interchangeably.
F1 = 2PR/(P+R)
Measure of all correctly annotated instances.
Suitable if all classes are equally important.
Accuracy = (TP + TN)/ (TP + TN + FP + FN)
Accuracy is misleading in imbalance classification problems
Micro and Macro averaging
used to calculate combined scores for multiple classes.
Macro averaging
- simply get average precision and recall scores for the classes and calculate the F-score from mean precision and recall scores
- does not consider class imbalance
Micro averaging:
- get total TP, FP, FN across all classes and calculate precision and recall across classes and then calculate the F-score
- works better when there is a class imbalance
Weighted averaging:
- macro averaging but weighted according to class
- average weighted by the number of true instances for each class
In the absence of Gold Standard Data Olympic judging can be used
Olympic judging
performance evaluation when Gold Standard Data is absent. Committee of judges determines whether some system proposal is relevant or how close it is to desired response
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Metrics for Regression
Root Mean Squared Error RMSE
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Root Mean Squared Error
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Mean Absolute Error MAE
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Mean Absolute Error
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