a.k.a. Bag-of-words

If word u appears in document d, d is a context of u


  1. Acquire large volume of documents
  2. count number of times a word u appears in a document d
  3. meaning of a word u is the (row-wise) count vector of documents that the word u appears in
    • meaning(u) = [count(u,d1), count(u,d2), … ]
    • vector dimension = |D| → D documents
  4. meaning of a document d is the (column-wise) count vector of words in the document
    • meaning(d) = [count(u1,d), count(u2,d), … ]
    • vector dimension = |V| → V is the vocabulary

We get, A matrix X, |D| × |V| or |V| × |D|


  • find similar documents
  • find documents close to a query (by considering query as a document)
  • compare and visualize words
  • dimensions are meaningful,Explainable AI


Weighing scheme