homeomorphic property of Manifold allows for an approximation of proper geodesic distance via the use of euclidean space locally.

see homeomorphism

ISOMAP : apply Classical MDS (cMDS) to the geodesic distance matrix, which is approximated by a sequence of steps (Euclidean) on relevant groups of neighboring points

Geodesic distance matrix

Data set is represented as weighted graph where data points are treated as nodes and weights on edges are approximated geodesic distances


  1. Construct neighborhood graph: Determine neighbors based on Euclidean distances. Set edge length equal to δ(i,j)
  2. Approximate the geodesic distances for non-neighbors by estimating their shortest-path distance in the weighted graph.
    • Dijkstra Algorithm
      • For k = 1, · · ·,N, replace all entries δG(i, j) by min {δG(i, j), δG(i, k) + δG(k, j)}
  3. Convert the geodesic distance matrix into the Gram matrix
  4. Apply Classical MDS (cMDS)

K and ϵ become hyperparameters. If cMDS is used, then Proportion of Variance can be used to find optimum intrinsic dimensionality

Manifold Interpolations

Can be used in manifold interpolations - Linear interpolations in low dimensional ISOMAP feature space and Nonlinear interpolations in high dimensional space


  • sufficient data points - manifold must be smooth
  • Work only on convex Euclidean manifolds to recover the intrinsic geometry,
    • e.g. for 2-D manifolds coming from any physical transformations such as folding, twisting and curving a sheet of paper without tears, holes, or self-intersections
    • see Convex set
  • same limitations and extensions as Multi dimensional Scaling (MDS) or Classical MDS (cMDS)
    • Out of sample extension

      does not provide any mapping function: z = f (x) for unseen data.

      use the known X data and their embedded coordinates Z as training examples to learn a parametric mapping function e.g. Neural Networks or Support Vector Regressor

      Link to original

ISOMAP Extensions